In Not So Happy Campers – Part 1, Lindsay is the fifth to arrive at Camp Wawanakwa. Although she can be a little self-absorbed, she tries to be a friend to everyone, even her ene mies, though she’s often unaware of their animosity. However, she is constantly taken advantage of by Heather (and to some extent Justin and Courtney in Total Drama Action). She tries her best at the challenges and actually makes it far into the competition in Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action, despite her naivety and sheep-like mentality. She enjoys looking at herself in the mirror, trying on new outfits, and hanging out with boys. Her stupidity is quite evident in that she can’t understand simple instructions or remember most names, not even her boyfriend‘s. Unfortunately, she is also just as dumb and naive as she is beautiful. Lindsay is considered to be the prettiest girl and one of the most attractive contestants overall on the show. Lindsay arrives, but forgets who Chris is.
Usually Lindsay doesn’t like things like “work”, or “dirt”, or “working in the dirt”, but when she found out about the auditions for Total Drama Island she couldn’t resist being on TV so that her gorgeousness could be shared with millions of people.

Because of this, her mother fears Lindsay will be taken advantage of by “stronger” personalities.

Lindsay is surprisingly athletic – MVP on her high school gymnastic teams (and she looks sooo cute in the outfit!) Her team-mates have to admit that Lindsay’s not just pretty – she’s pretty nice too (like a can of soda, sugary sweet and effervescent). Generally speaking, anything that isn’t too demanding for her brain. Lindsay also loves to chat on the phone, on-line or to whoever will listen. Her hobbies include primping, preening, plucking and posing in any nearby mirror to make sure she’s still stunning. She just wants to spend all of her waking hours prettying herself up for any cute guy who’s willing to give her all of his attention. Lindsay doesn’t have much in the way of plans for her future.

Lindsay’s Sweet Sixteen party cost more than your house. When he’s not spending time taking care of his vintage Ferrari, he lavishes his “little chipmunk” Lindsay with whatever her heart desires. She’s also a Daddy’s girl and Daddy makes a lot of money. Lindsay is proof that life is easier when you’re drop dead gorgeous, but to be fair, mother nature balanced things by making her as sharp as a frosted cupcake. Modeling, Making bicycles, Cheering, Gymnastics, Water SkiingĮinstein (called so by Gwen), Li nd si ot (called so by Heather and by Courtney) Linds, Sleeping Big Foot (called so by Duncan), Honey (called so by Noah), Speedy (called so by Beth), Admiral Lindsay, Her Hotness, Detective Lindsay, Her Hotness (called so by herself), Linds (called by Beth), Foxy (called by Chris), Wonder Woman (Super Hero Alias), Blonde Bombshell (Called so by Chris), Bestie, (called so by Beth), Linds (called so by Tyler), Brainiac, Captain Cranium (called so by Blaineley) Mother, Father, Sister (names unknown), Paula (sister)Ĭockroaches, Bad hair cuts (conquered), Walking through a mine field in high heels, Eva, Gwen, Heather, and LeShawna combined